Search engine optimization

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You may have heard you need to optimize your content or that you need to add SEO to your website.  If you are web savvy, you might know exactly what that means; if you are new to e-commerce the terms might be completely unfamiliar.  Read on to learn a little bit about SEO.  If it seems intimidating to you, don’t worry; whether you are an expert at internet marketing or a novice, Creative Web Properties can help you by providing the SEO content you need to get better results in organic searches.

If you have ever performed a search on Google, Bing, Yahoo or another search engine, then you already understand a little bit about SEO.  Think about the words you put in for your search.  They were the words you thought were most likely to find the products or services you wanted to find.  However, there were other terms you could have used to try to find the same businesses.  Understanding the words and phrases that people use when trying to find a business that provides the goods or services that you provide is the first part of SEO.  You want your website to use the same words, terms, and phrases that your potential customers are going to use when looking for the types of products or services that you provide.

However, SEO is not just about having the right words on your pages; it is also about how you present the words.  You do not want to keyword stuff your content.  Keyword stuffing refers to any practice where keywords are used in a way that comes across as forced, unnatural, or stilted.  It is off-putting to potential customers, because it does not read well.  It is also off-putting to search engines.  While the presence of important keywords helps you rank higher, the search engines also look for unnatural-sounding language, which lowers you in the rankings.

As a result, effective SEO is not about stuffing your content with keywords, but about making small changes to the type of content you would otherwise want to provide, to ensure that it helps increase your rank while adding real value to your website.  What do we mean by adding real value?  The goal of any type of content marketing is to make sure that all of the information you make available through your internet presence, whether it be on your website, through social media, emails to your customers, or blogs, provides something valuable to your customers.  This value can take many forms, such important information, helpful tips, a funny story, a discount, or a notice of an upcoming sale, but you want it to be something that your potential customers will find useful.  This concept is what we refer to as content marketing; it means that all of your content is designed to market to your potential users, even if it is not directly marketing a product or service.

SEO is content marketing to your biggest user; the search engines.  While they are not consumers, search engines, like consumers, look at your website and compare your products and services to those offered on other websites.  To do that, they use tools known as algorithms.  By tailoring your content to work well with those algorithms, you help the search engines understand, properly classify, and present content to their users; a group that includes your potential customers!

Does all of this sound complicated to you?  If so, you are not alone; many business owners find the idea of SEO overwhelming.  Fortunately, when you work with Creative Web Properties, you do not have to worry about SEO.  We will work with you to custom create all of the content for your website, and all of the content that we create for our customers is created using SEO principles.  The result?  Your website will have informative, helpful information that your customers and potential customers will find useful, and which will encourage them to complete transactions, while incorporating the SEO terms, phrases, and strategies you need to rank higher in non-paid search engine results.



    Steps to Successful Marketing

    Master the fundamentals with our proven, step-by-step marketing approach.

    Analyze Your Audience

    Understand your target market to tailor strategies effectively.

    Implement Targeted Campaigns

    Use SEO, PPC, and content marketing to reach and engage customers.

    Monitor and Optimize

    Continuously track performance and refine your approach for better results.

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